Utah Valley Real Estate Investors Association may be the target market you have been looking for!  All of our members have an interest in real estate.  Our members are always looking for good Vendors to do business with. If you offer a quality product or service at a good price, you should seriously consider advertising with us.

Why? You will increase your profit and sales. Our members are always searching for quality professionals in real estate-related businesses. Advertising with us isn’t like advertising in the newspaper.  What percentage of the newspaper readers are really interested in what you have to offer? Here, everyone is interested in real estate-related products and services.  Utah Valley Real Estate Investors Association (UVREIA) is your captive, target market, all under one roof! Our audience is eagerly waiting to meet people like you and learn how your business can help their businesses grow. Why wait and hold back your sales? We offer two levels of membership to meet your business’s needs:

6-Month Advertising Opportunity

Ideal for advertisers wanting to be actively involved in attending monthly UVREIA meetings:

  • Create exposure for your brand or service by having a physical presence at our meetings
  • Suited for brands that realize a higher ROI on their advertising dollars when a company representative is on-hand to explain the offerings in detail
  • GREAT for those who want to learn and invest in real estate in addition to advertising
  • Table Space 2x $150 Value

    Set up and exhibit at two upcoming UVREIA events!

  • 8-Minute Speaking Opportunity $500 Value

    Get your message heard at an upcoming UVREIA event!

  • Flyer Distribution 6x $300 Value

    Place your flyers at our events - advertise a special offer, news, or anything else relevant to UVREIA members.

  • Website Link - 6 mos $300 Value

    Improve your SEO rankings and credibility by receiving an inbound link to your website from UVREIA.com. Your logo will also be added to our vendor carousel and one designated contact from your business will be listed along with phone and email address.

  • Welcome Video Plug $500 Value

    Get some social media love from us when you join UVREIA with a sponsorship! We'll notify our Facebook followers with a video. (Sponsor to provide video).


*12-Month Advertising Opportunity

Ideal for advertisers that can’t attend meetings but wish to have their brand or service promoted by UVREIA:

  • Get directly in front of our audience without putting boots on the ground
  • Our staff will distribute your sales materials on your behalf
  • Boost your SEO and digital reach with our online and email placements

*advertising opportunity runs Jan. - Dec.

  • Meeting Promos $600 Value

    Specialized and featured verbal acknowledgement from meeting host at our monthly meetings + Dedicated, personalized individual slide on PowerPoint before and after meetings

  • Meeting Advertisements $150 Value

    Logo featured on signage at monthly meetings

  • Flyer Distribution 12x $1,200 Value

    Place your flyers at our events - advertise a special offer, news, or anything else relevant to UVREIA members

  • Website Link - 12 mos $1,200 Value

    Improve your SEO rankings and credibility by receiving an inbound link to your website from UVREIA.com. Your logo will also be added to our vendor carousel and one designated contact from your business will be listed along with phone and email address

  • Welcome Video Plug $500 Value

    Get some social media love from us when you join UVREIA with a sponsorship! We'll notify our Facebook followers with a video (Sponsor to provide video)

  • Social Media Exposure $500 Value

    One monthly individual and personalized post on Facebook page (Sponsor to provide content) + sponsor logo placement on UVREIA's social media accounts as a "UVREIA Preferred Vendor".

  • Email Newsletters $1,000 Value

    4x/month, logo and tagline featured in each Email update to our subscribers + a spotlight feature in an upcoming email (Sponsor to provide content with UVREIA's approval)

  • Preferred Vendor Guide Placement
    Preferred Vendor Guide Placement $1,000 Value

    Distributed at all UVREIA monthly meetings and events, every year, appx. 1,000 qualified prospects will receive our annual Preferred Vendor Guide. This is a double-sided printout of UVREIA's preferred vendors spanning 12 real estate-related service categories. Have your company's logo featured along with contact info for one employee. Digital copies are also made available for download by attendees our monthly online meetings, expanding your reach by up to 50 qualified impressions per month!

  • Membership $150 Value

    One member of your team will receive one (1) yearly Individual Membership