“Mastering Influence: The Power of Connection”

get to know our guest speaker:


“Mastering Influence: The Power of Connection”

Sean Grosy:

With over 25 years of experience in sales coaching, Sean Grosy has become a trusted authority in empowering anyone from beginners to professionals to master the art of high-ticket sales. As a sales coach, Sean specializes in helping individuals and teams overcome their fears and negative perceptions of sales, by learning how to have heart-centered conversations, enabling them to achieve unprecedented success. His unique approach combines integrity, empathy, and continuous improvement, ensuring his clients not only excel in sales but also grow personally and professionally.

Sean‘s extensive background includes over 18 years dedicated to building and training sales teams for billion-dollar companies. During this period, his teams collectively acquired over 100,000 new customers, generating over $350 million in revenue for these companies. This impressive track record showcases his ability to drive significant revenue growth and cultivate highly effective sales teams.

Sean has recently expanded into the health & wellness industry, helping clinic owners to be more impactful by showing them how to empower their team with the skills of influence, connect with more clients, and generate more revenue. His dedication to personal fitness and health, spanning over 34 years, reflects his commitment to well-being, as it impacts all areas of our lives.

Sean‘s goal is to help clinic and spa owners transform their sales operations to the exceptional levels he previously achieved with billion-dollar corporations. By implementing his proven sales strategies and techniques, he aims to drive significant revenue growth, enhance client satisfaction, and build robust sales teams within the health and wellness sector.

Sean‘s expertise on influence, building sales teams, personal growth and development, fitness, and business, are transferable to every area of life and business and will help you get to where you want to go no matter what industry you are in.